Governance Structure Recommendations for a Community Choice Aggregation Program in the City of San Diego

On February 25, 2019, the San Diego City Council approved pursuing the development of a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. CCAs serve as an alternate method of energy procurement for municipal agencies, where a public agency assumes a more active role in energy procurement policy by replacing the local utility as energy purchaser. With the vote, the City began the process of establishing a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) with the intent of inviting other County jurisdictions into the program.

To guide the efforts of the City of San Diego in the formation of a Joint Powers Agreement, SDCTA has developed a set of recommendations that: (1) reduce legal exposure to taxpayers, (2) minimize the number of agencies created, (3) provide both flexibility and robustness for jurisdictions to join and depart the agreement, and (4) promote the local choice and control of member agencies. 

Read the report.